Facts and figures
Walter Noel wants to see the numbers.
Why he didn't seek the numbers when he had access to them as a provincial Cabinet minister, or why his government didn't explicitly instruct the Blame Canada Commission to crunch them, remains a mystery.
As one, surprising, observer recently remarked, "In any 'revolution' its not the lawyers and accountants waving spreadsheets and legal precedents that lead the charge up the hill to freedom and self determination.".
But Walter Noel wants a balance sheet, so he can decide whether "we" are getting our "fair share" out of Confederation.
The short answer: yes.
The long answer: also yes.
Here are the figures from 2003 (the most recent year for which a comparable full set of numbers is available.)
(See also this StatsCan publication, on 2004 data, with a different methodology, and an even more favourable conclusion — or less favourable, if you are an emotive nationalist politician who is seeking to incite the populace to rise up and cast off the yoke of Confederation, blah blah blah.)
Where's the Harris Centre for the Study of Newfoundland Nationalist Mythology, or whatever they are called, when you could really use 'em?
Walter can expect an invoice.
Federal revenue/expenditure $000 Subtotal
Federal revenues (personal)
Federal Personal Income Tax (995,235)
CPP Premiums (219,654)
EI Premiums (103,971)
Federal revenues (production)
Federal taxes on factors of production (7,000)
Customs import duties (45,000)
Excise duties (48,000)
Other taxes (105,000)
GST (416,000)
Air transportation tax (4,000)
Miscellaneous federal taxes on products (1,000)
Federal revenues (corporate) (413,000)
Total, Federal revenues (2,357,860)
Federal transfers to individuals
OAS benefits 515,914
CPP benefits 436,724
Child Tax Benefit 143,123
GST credit 59,849
EI benefits 842,269
Veterans' benefits 44,000
Aboriginal programs 94,000
Scholarships 7,000
Other 111,000
Federal transfers to business 96,000
Federal transfers to government
Equalization 1,029,000
CHST 397,700
Statutory 1,700
Cost-shared (federal share) 71,138
Federal salaries 373,000
Total, Federal expenditures 4,222,417
Oh yeh, that's reeeal comprehensive . . . What about power from the Big Land? How much have we lost on that? How about money/work lost because of mis-management of the fisheries?
Who do you think controls these things? And do you think it is right that they do, and then have the audacity to ignore it on public sites such as the one you have cited here.
Oh yeh, that's reeeal comprehensive . . . What about power from the Big Land? How much have we lost on that?
How about money/work lost because of mis-management of the fisheries?
How about it? Quantify it. Thanks!
Who do you think controls these things?
It's under exclusive provincial jurisdiction.
Who do YOU think?
And do you think it is right that they do
No, I don't think it's right that the provincial government has so much power of Labrador's resources.
oh, that's right, $800,000 a year for a quarter of a century = nothing . . . do you have your grade 9?
No, Hydro doesn't have the power to allow a corridor to pass through Quebec, but Ottawa does, as it imposed on the west in the 70s . . .why the double standard? Why do you support such a double standard?
"No, I don't think it's right that the provincial government has so much power of Labrador's resources. "
So Ottawa should?
Your a f%$%^%ing drone.
oh, that's right, $800,000 a year for a quarter of a century = nothing . . . do you have your grade 9?
Someone who doesn't know the difference between a failure to take full advantage of an opportunity, and a loss, has no right to question anyone's education.
No, Hydro doesn't have the power to allow a corridor to pass through Quebec, but Ottawa does, as it imposed on the west in the 70s . . .why the double standard? Why do you support such a double standard?
I believe in provincial autonomy. That includes the right to make stupid mistakes.
So Ottawa should?
Your a f%$%^%ing drone.
You are f%$%^%ing banned. Have a nice day.
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