
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Don't just stand there, announce something!

Following on BondPapers' deconstruction of a previous Glorious Leader's use of the Lower Churchill as a political MacGuffin, here is the comparable exercise for the incumbent in office.

Note two significant differences.

First, BondPapers' work is on a particularly concentrated period of MacGuffinism in 1998, in what was the lead-up to a rumoured aborted fall 1998 election plan, 2.5 years into Tobin's first term. (In the end, the election was held in the winter of 1999, a Smallwoodesque nudge under three years after the 1996 electoral event.) The DannyWilliamsAdministrationNewfoundlandLabrador list covers the entire Williams Era, so far.

Second, and more interestingly, in the 1998 Tobin run-up, all but one of the announcements were issued as releases from the line department, then known as Mines and Energy. During the Danny Williams era, on the other hand, all press releases pertaining to the so-called Upper or Lower Churchill have emanated from Executive Council [EC] — that is, the Eight Floor — with the exception of two from the current incarnation of the line department, Natural Resources [NR].

L'état, c'est lui.

It's a fairly safe bet, though, that the announcement that the project is, surprise, surprise, being shelved, again, will be made by the Minister of Natural Resources.

March 16, 2004: New agreement on recall power from Upper Churchill [NR]

September 20, 2004: Premier Williams outlines preparations to explore development opportunities for the Lower Churchill [EC]

September 20, 2004: Premier Williams announces Expressions of Interest process and outlines province’s strategy for development of Lower Churchill [EC]

January 10, 2005: Premier releases Request for Expressions of Interest and Proposals for development of Lower Churchill hydro resource [EC]

March 30, 2005: Premier Williams welcomes Ontario and Quebec joint response to
Expressions of Interest on development of the Lower Churchill

April 4, 2005: Premier Williams pleased with response to Request for Expressions of Interest and Proposals on Lower Churchill development [EC]

August 8, 2005: Premier announces results of phase one of Expression of Interests process for Lower Churchill development [EC]

January 20, 2006: Province directs Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to apply for transmission access with Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie [EC]

May 8, 2006: Newfoundland and Labrador will lead Lower Churchill development [EC]

June 23, 2006: Premier and Innu President talk on Lower Churchill [EC]

December 1, 2006: Environmental Assessment Process Initiated for Lower Churchill Project [EC]

February 6, 2007: Hydro Continues to Explore Market Access Options for Lower Churchill Power [NR]


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