
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bill Rowe: rube or stooge?

Bill Rowe gave nearly the first half hour of his show this afternoon over to an uninterrupted rant by climate change denier Dr. Tim Ball.

Ball – who spouted the very unscientific line “just a theory”, and claims, utterly anachronistically, that 1934 was “long before humans were producing CO2” – is Chairman and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project.

That organization, as well as Ball’s previous affiliation, “Friends of Science”, are well-known propaganda fronts for the oil and natural gas industry.

Or, as Bill Rowe’s Lord, Saviour, and former employer – “Our Dear Premier”*, as Bill Rowe called him in conversation with the next caller — might call them: Big Oil.

So.... was Bill Rowe just a rube, falling, for a quarter of his air time today, for Big Oil’s propaganda?

Or was he a willing accomplice, a stooge, gleefully giving Big Oil a quarter of his air time today to spout Big Oil’s propaganda?


* Seriously. You can’t make stuff like that up even if you try.


At 2:46 PM, August 14, 2007 , Blogger R. Raleigh said...

So that could your ear too, hey?

I was honestly worried that I had hallucinated that entire conversation because I didn't want to believe someone could actually say those things without being called out on it.


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