Thursday, September 27, 2007

Did we know what we were fighting for?

I noticed something interesting about Our Dear Theme Song the day it was posted on Our Dear Party’s website.
The copyright date. 2004.

It’s interesting how this jaunty number has been sitting in the can for three years, instead of being in constant radio play on that Sunday morning show, How Irish We Are. There must, surely, be some reason for that.

And lo and behold, today Our Dear Premier explained it away, at least in part:
You've just heard the lyrics of our campaign theme song, and I have to tell you - the more I hear it, the more I love it. It hits the nail right on the head.

Darrell Power, one of the original members of Great Big Sea, wrote that song in 2004 just after we won our major victory on the Atlantic Accord. It was one of those pivotal moments that electrified our whole province, from western Labrador to Cape Ray to the Cape Shore.
That’s one way for Labrador to get electrified, I guess, even without access to the Lower Churchill power. Badump-chink!

There’s just one really pesky inconsistency in that account of events.

Our Dear Premier — Our Dear Saviour, actually — didn’t descend an escalator, fists pumping in the air, pronouncing “We Got It”, Our Dear Atlantic Accord, in 2004. It was not until January, 2005, that We won Our Major Victory.

So, if Our Dear Theme Song was, in fact, written in 2004, not just before the election, but in the calendar year before the event it supposedly commemorates, what were we to have been fighting for then, given that the general election was, at the time, three years away?

Are the lyrics of the audio file, and as published on Our Dear Party’s website, the original ones?

And is it the same political party campaign theme song, identically, to the very chord and syllable, that Our Dear Premier, with His Dear Premier’s hat on, premiered at an official public speaking engagement the week before the writ was dropped?

Clarification, explanation, and mp3 audio from Our Dear September 12 Speech to the Board of Trade are welcome.

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