
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Free Newfoundland Labrador!

For some reason Myles Higgins won't let me post at his circular party any more.

His loss.

In a recent posting, one of many anonymous cowards posts:

Anonymous said...


Mine is the first post....and I wasn't suggesting that Harper would throw a monkey wrench into those negotiations at all. My point being that Harper WILL win a majority in the next election (and I'll make a wager on that with the stakes). Then if Nfld sends seven opposition members (let alone seven Bloc Nfld or whatever it is you call them) they will have no influence whatsoever and Harper will not need to worry about helping Nfld conservative caucus/cabinet members. That will lead to a situation where Nfld will get diddly-squat from Ottawa and Danny won't be able to do a thing about it. So, you had better hope that Danny can close those offshore deals, because that money/activity will be needed to keep the economy going.

November 02, 2007 2:01 PM
To which a second anonymous coward responds:
Anonymous said...

If what you are espousing is the way Ottawa works here Anon. All the more reason we need to get out of this federation.

November 02, 2007 11:48 PM
OK.... So let's entertain the anonymice for a second.

Let's accept, for argument's sake, that if Dannystan returned seven Dandidates to Ottawa, instead of Tories, even if the rest of the country returned a majority Harper government, that then "Nfld." would get "diddly squat" as its punishment.

And let's accept, for argument's sake, that that is the way "Ottawa" works, and that, for that reason, "we" must separate from Canada.

Given that this argument — as the wags say, Vote For Me Or Else — is in essence the very same argument that Our Dear Premier and The Party have been making, going back almost a year to last winter's by-elections... does this then not mean that Newfoundland and Labrador must also separate from Newfoundland and Labrador?

Or is this another case of Danny's partisans seeing an imaginary reflection in others, of the very real nasty personality traits that Our Own Dear Premier possesses, and exercises, without comment, let alone criticism, among his (for now) still-adoring public?

Danny's virtues are, when present, for real or for imaginary, in anyone else, vices. And the cult of personality, coupled with that bizarre underground of crypto-separatism, continues, for now, unquestioned, uncriticised, unchecked.


At 7:21 PM, November 08, 2007 , Blogger Edward Hollett said...

Ever think that maybe the anonymous posts - especially the ones that praise Myles for yet another splendiferous post were actually made by Myles himself?


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