
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Worn out?

Geoff Meeker observes that Our Dear Sense of Autonomist Outrage is starting to, in his words, "wear thin".

The evidence would seem to be mounting: Wangersky. The Telegram masthead. The Western Star one. Sue Hickey. The Aurora. ("Bay City Rollers"? Ouch.)

And the clincher? Tom Hedderson's pinch-hitting anti-Confederate rant from a week ago.

"Federal Presence Still Not Enough", he bleated. "Our position continues to be that this province does not have its fair share of Federal Government decision makers and employees based in this province."

Sadly, Hedderson never got a chance to explain to a curious reporter what federal presence would constitute "Enough" or "its fair share". No one cared.

Well, almost no one: Everyone from VOCM to, well, VOCM ran with the "story", but no one else — not the CBC, not the Telegram, not the Star, not the nefarious Quebec-owned weeklies — touched it. Hedderson's carefully-orchestrated outrage was for nought.

Wearing thin? Usually with such trends, like the rise or fall of 'tween-age fads, or impending economic recessions, by the time anyone really notices the evidence, the thing that the evidence is evidence of has already happened.

Wearing thin? — no, worn out.


At 10:19 AM, January 24, 2008 , Blogger Mark said...

If I were a provincial cabinet minister or MHA, I'd be more concerned about the fact that there is such a small number of provincial government decision makers in the province, i.e. just one.


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