
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fear of Conjunctions

The official explanation is as follows, right?
The Province is not referred to as Newfoundland Labrador. The two words only appear together with the stylized Pitcher Plant as a single image which is the Province's trade mark for advertising and marketing purposes.
Ok, McBay. Fair enough.

Never mind that on provincial documents like these, the province is clearly, and inaccurately, and sycophantically, referred to as "Newfoundland Labrador", like He prefers.

So, McBay, Bowring, Skiiiiinner!, what's up with this?

The following is being distributed at the request of Newfoundland Labrador Housing:

Residents in the Cashin-Froude area of St. John’s can look forward to a major transformation in their community over the next six years. The Province will contribute $4.2 million to makeover one of Newfoundland Labrador Housing’s (Housing) oldest residential neighbourhoods. The $4.2 million funding for this project will come from Newfoundland Labrador Housing’s annual budget, and represents 70 per cent of the total $6 million project cost. The Honourable Shawn Skinner, Minister Responsible for Housing and Human Resources, Labour and Employment, made the announcement today.

Jenny Bowring
Communications Manager
Newfoundland Labrador Housing

What on earth is a "Newfoundland Labrador Housing"?

Bear in mind, McBay, that "The Province is not referred to as Newfoundland Labrador. The two words only appear together with the stylized Pitcher Plant as a single image which is the Province's trade mark for advertising and marketing purposes."

Bear in mind, as well, that the Housing Corporation Act — y'know, an inconvenient little thing like a statutory law, something Great Lawyers™ will be familiar with — makes it very clear that the corporation is the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation. Conjunction included.

(And where's Len Simms, anyway?)


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