
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, May 26, 2008

And meanwhile...

Over on the Quebec-Labrador, the big city of Aguanish — population, including l’Île-Michon, 303, down 40 from 2001 — Saint-Laurent Énergies has been given the municipal green light for its proposed wind farm. Radio-Canada reports:

Le promoteur prévoit ériger 40 éoliennes de 2 mégawatts chacune, à l'ouest d'Aguanish, un petit village de 350 personnes. Le chantier de 200 millions de dollars procurera de l'emploi à une centaine de personnes.

L'exploitation et l'entretien du parc entraîneront la création de huit postes permanents.

(The promoter proposes to build 40 wind turbines of 2 MW each, west of Aguanish, a small village of 350 [sic]. The 200-million project will provide employment to 200 people during construction. The operations and maintenance of the wind farm will involve the creation of eight permanent jobs.)

In Labrador-Labrador, Ed Martin owns the wind.

How's that working out, anyway?


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