
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, December 05, 2008


Again from the Bow-Wow Parliament on Tuesday:
Our strategy on a go-forward basis would be to obtain the 8.5 per cent interest from Hibernia, it would be to obtain a loan guarantee from either the Harper government or a coalition government, and, in addition, it would be to obtain infrastructure funding – rapid infrastructure green funding – from a coalition government or a Harper government in order to help fund the Lower Churchill and/or a transmission line from the Lower Churchill to provide power to other areas.
A follow-up question, Mr. Speaker: Which "other areas"? Does this mean that Our Dear Labrador Priority for infrastructure funding — going it alone with more money from Ottawa — is to find some way to get someone else to subsidize the extraction of yet another Labrador resource, on a go-forward basis, and its transmittal to "other areas", instead of, y'know, the Trans-Labrador Highway that was supposedly Our Dear Number One Project?


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