
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


One J.A. McGrath, who shares his or her initials with at least one prominent person of the same surname, scores a twofer (at least) in the myth department with his or her letter to the Telegram on Saturday (not online).

Myth one:
We now learn from the press out of Ottawa that the federal government has just completed with the government of Quebec an environmental assessment preliminary to Quebec's development of the headwaters of the Romaine River system to produce hydroelectric power for Hydro-Quebec to export to the United States as part of the Obama/Harper agreement to open a dialogue on clean renewal energy.
J.A., J.A., J.A.... are you, like the rest of the Newfoundland nationalists who keep harping on this issue, made out of stupid?

For the umpteenth time, and for the record: Hydro-Quebec is not doing anything on the "headwaters" of the Romaine, or any other of the rivers which flow south out of Labrador into Quebec.

Seriously. Do you not know how to read a map, J.A.?

Myth two:
We gave up our rights to the railroad under Term 31 for a one-time grant of $800 million to build a highway system we cannot afford to maintain, instead of holding out for the building of a standard gauge system that would connect us to the North American rail system.
"Right" to a railroad?

Where is that contained? (Hint: not in Term 31, nor in any other Term of Union.)


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