
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, March 22, 2010

To-do list

Traditionally, the Speech from the Throne is where a government sets forth its legislative agenda for the upcoming session.

Herewith, then, every reference in today’s Speech to said agenda. First, a new Act:
Last year, My Government announced the creation of a new department of Child, Youth and Family Services and made the protection and well-being of our children and youth its priority. The new department will be better organized to support the frontline workers who protect our most vulnerable children, and the system will be more accountable. Under the department’s direct management, the monitoring and auditing of programs will be stronger and children will be better served. The new department will revitalize our child protection system from the ground up and get back to the basics of solid case management and service delivery. The foundation for this change will be a new Child, Youth and Family Services Act to guide future policies and program development.

Second, a revised one:

Discrimination is another wrong from which individuals young and old should be protected. The Human Rights Code is one of the most important Acts of our Legislature, affording protection from discrimination by governments and the private sector. This year, My Government will bring forward a strengthened Human Rights Code to reflect the recommendations and values of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

Third, a reference to another new Act that Danny Williams-Government is working on.

A new federal Act, that is:

My Government will continue to collaborate with Environment Canada during the upcoming review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act to ensure there are provisions in the new federal Act to facilitate enhanced cooperation with provinces in environmental assessments.
And finally, a very curious reference:

To nurture healthy work environments and promote growth, My Government has also been working to strengthen partnerships among the public sector, the private sector and organized labour. The Strategic Partnership Council has brought forward recommendations for amendments to labour legislation to promote stable, progressive workplace relations by making the framework that governs them more modern and flexible.
Curious, because nowhere in Our speech does Danny Williams-Government actually say that it will adopt those recommendations.

Entirely absent from Our Dear To-Do List?

Our long-promised, and still undelivered whistleblower legislation.

Perhaps it is another victim, along with the Grenfell autonomy bill, of that oh so very, very busy legislative agenda.



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