
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Autonomy: ungulate edition (II)

A bizarre statement to assembled reporters from Our Dear Fishcounter following his Friday blow-your-minds announcement:
This doesn't mean we're shutting out Ottawa, as a matter of fact, y'know, we continue to press Ottawa, we invite them to participate, we would like to see them involved even more, but we can't wait. We can't afford to wait. And that's been the situation with our caribou, that's the situation with our salmon, and it's certainly the situation with our fishery, particularly our groundfishery. So, y'know, we're moving on. And if people want to come along for the ride, because this would be a wonderful thing...
Of course, "invite them to participate", translated from the Dannese, means, "hope, like the members of a South Seas Cargo Cult, that they'll air-drop us the money to pay for it".

It's strange that Captain Autonomy of the MV Go-It-Alone would be hoping for federal participation in what is, at bottom, more a fed-bashing exercise than a scientific endeavour.

It's stranger still that Captain Autonomy was somehow expecting federal involvement in terrestrial wildlife management. Caribou? Really?

Is there no external party onto whom responsibility for caribou — or, at least some caribou — can't be shifted? What's next? Calling on Ban Ki Moon to intervene?

What caribou research would Captain Autonomy like Ottawa to be more involved in? And why?

For that matter, why is Captain Autonomy letting Laval University — which province is Laval in, Danny? — lead the scientific survey of the province's largest caribou herd?

If only the MV Go-It-Alone could ascend the George River...



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