
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Dunderdale Test

Kathy Dunderdale tells VOCM Radio:
There's all kinds of people who want fibre, for all kinds of reasons. But are there going to be jobs here for the people, y'know, besides the harvesting? Is there going to be some kind of secondary processing done? Is there going to be a benefit to the people of this region of the province? And unless you can meet that test then, y'know, it's better to leave the trees where they are.
She was referring to "fibre" — formerly known as "trees" — in central Newfoundland, post-Our Dear Repatriation of AbitibiBowater resources and toxic waste.

It is not immediately clear whether the solemn principle laid down in the Dunderdale Test applies to other resources or to other regions of the province.

Coz, if so, hooo boy...

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