
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Given that WJM has frequently on NL_politics defended Ottawa’s need to attach numerous strings to any funding transferred to provinces in order to make it “accountable” (as if the provinces had no such mechansms), he’s about as convincing adefender of provincial rights as Jack Kevorkian is a defender of life. I fully admite and always have admitted that certain matters can and should be federal. And while doing so I’ve called for provincial control of fisheries, full ownership of oil and gas to to go to the provinces, and less federal interference in health care and other areas. It’s call optimizing each level’s role.


It would seem the Martin and Chretien governments are pretty selective in when they want nitty gritty strings attached. The more federal grittys with their hands in the till, the less specific they want it I guess… but a province with some actual book keeping capacity and experience is held higher

— Conservative e-pundit Liam O'Brien, fairdealfornewfoundland, February 15, 2005

Strings attached to health money


Strict conditions attached to health dollars in Monday's federal budget are being described by Newfoundland and Labrador's health minister as "a heavy-handed intrusion into provincial jurisdiction."

Ross Wiseman said Wednesday that ultimatums issued to the provinces by the federal Conservatives are "precedent-setting" and could put "tremendous pressure" on this province's ability to provide a balanced health-care system.

— The St. John's Telegram, today


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