
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Divine Ms Minnie

My, but Minnie Wells' call to CBC On the Go's Talkback line was nicely-scripted, weren't it?

She read it real good, too. Boy, did she ever confute our traducers, in terms that Danny Williams himself couldn't have said better:

Ted, these people, including Mr Harper, seems to be truly trivializing the dismantling of our Atlantic Accord. I take great exception to that, as it diminishes our place in Canada. British Columbia, give me a break Miss Yaffe., with all their seats, can get Mr Harper to give them just what they want, i.e. the Pacific Gateway. She may well have lived here, but she fails to understand our history. Where else in Canada would a Premier sit back and say nothing while a Prime Minister breaks a contract? And by the way, Ted, in New Brunswick, he only re-announced road work for the second or third time. Big deal. The Premier doesn't have no [mumblemumble] from here on in. We will never forget what Mr Harper did. I, like most other people, are sick to death of these mainland pundits. Thank you.
CBC used to have, or seemed to have, an "anti-reading rule". That went out the window some time ago. Too bad.

PS: and Minnie: speaking of "only re-announcing road work for the second or third time"... Where's your finely-tuned and well-scripted sense of cynicism now?


At 10:35 PM, June 26, 2007 , Blogger Edward Hollett said...

Wells or Hoyles?

At 10:38 PM, June 26, 2007 , Blogger WJM said...

I heard "Wells", but I'd never heard a last name before. Is it Hoyles? If so, will correct.

At 12:54 PM, June 27, 2007 , Blogger Norman Andrews said...

Great points wjm

"PS: and Minnie: speaking of "only re-announcing road work for the second or third time"... Where's your finely-tuned and well-scripted sense of cynicism now?"


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