
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Party politics

The let's-get-rid-of-parties movement continues apace, as it has, underground, for some years now.

And so we ask, heck, why not? After all, the dominant political strain of idealogy, such as it is, and the overriding provincial public policy objective, such as it is, is, and for many years has been, "How do we get the federal government to pay for this?" (For whatever the "this" in question might be.)

If you are going to have a territorial-style fiscal federalism arrangement with Ottawa, you might as well go whole-hog, and have a territorial-style "concensus" government while you're at it.

Really, why not, when your "provincial" legislature meets about as often as a territorial one.

John Crosbie's not the new viceroy, he's the new Commissioner.


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