
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

He speaks!

Our Dear Premier, looking just as imperious and even more annoiaed than he did a few weeks ago when impertinent reporters dared ask him about Cellphonegate, finally deigned to go before Here and Now's cameras today in beautiful North West River to speak about the growing Andy Wells kerfuffle.

Quoth O.D.P.:
He's indicated publicly that he's certainly quite capable of doing both jobs, and really I guess that's between him and the City of St. John's.
Yes, Our Dear Premier, it is between Andy Wells and the City of St. John's — in so far as the Mayor's job is concerned.

But what about the PUB job?

Or do you concur with the argument of Andy Wells, and the Spontaneous Outrage Organization Committee, that, for anyone in Labrador, or elsewhere outside St. John's, that it's not any of their business?

O.D.P. continues:
I understand that the only possible conflict is on any land expropriation, and we did some significant research through the Department of Justice to see if there was going to be any conflict situation, and I understand that is the only situation, and I think Mr. Wells has indicated if that ever arose, that he would absent himself.
That's the only. possible. conflict. you can think of? Really, Great Lawyer?

And finally:
There are other councillors there, of course, who aren't only councillors, but, y'know, they also have jobs as well, and of course there's other mayors. We have the Mayor of Mount Pearl, who obviously is the host of an open line show, he does commentary for CBC, he writes columns for The Independent, and as well he's Mayor of Mount Pearl, so I mean I don't think this is a first in Mayor Wells' situation, it just sounds to me like there's a group that are trying to get rid of him, but that's not really my concern.
There might be times when you could confuse The Independent or VOCM with organs of the provincial government, but really, Our Dear Premier, if you can't tell the difference between a public-sector job (that'd be the PUB posting, so we're clear), and a private-sector one (Randy Simms' media day job and moonlighting); and between full-time and part-time (it can't take that much of Mayor Simms' valuable time to write a column for Ryan), if you can't tell the difference...

Wow. Then not only are there valid questions about Andy Wells' suitability for his job, there are now, increasingly, pretty valid questions about your suitability for yours.


At 3:30 PM, February 06, 2008 , Blogger Alison Dyer said...

all valid questions for sure.
And of course, two tugs at the public purse should be a priority question. He's not moonlighting a 2nd job at DairyQueen. This isn't a second 8hr job. Both require fulltime commitment - all top exec. jobs do. After hours, between hours. Are we so stupid to allow this.
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