
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


From The Telegram's section-A announcement of its laudable new "Cuffer Prize":
The short-fiction competition is meant to be Newfoundland-centred; it's open to Newfoundland residents, and stories must be set in the province.
Sooooo... a story that's set in the Labrador part of the province, written by a resident of Deer Lake, is eligible for entry.

But a story set anywhere in the province, written by a resident of Mud Lake?


At 1:35 PM, March 22, 2008 , Blogger Ward Pike said...

"The Telegram" is a newspaper owned by a company in a foreign country, Canada. You cannot possibly expect them to acknowledge the half of our province that they (transcontinental of Montreal Quebec) believe is part of Quebec. Surely you jest!

There is a great locally owned newspaper, The Independent, that wholly acknowledges and adores the land of our birth. :-)

I trust you are a subscriber.

At 2:51 PM, March 22, 2008 , Blogger WJM said...

1) Canada is a foreign country? Not to this Labradorian, it isn't.

2) What does ownership have to do with anything?

3) The Independent is hardly a NEWSpaper, and some days I doubt if it's even paper.

4) "wholly acknowledges and adores the land of our birth", eh? Whatever:

We have enough food on the island for about seven to 10 days... Moose hunting has become a rite of autumnal equinox, a celebration of the season, a reaping of our island’s wilderness bounty... But even to that point, we never toured off the island... He’s still young and he’s still learning, but he’s as good as anybody on the island... right now we are here on the island... Getting off the island to mainland meets is expensive...


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