
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Open voting

In the increasingly bizarro-world that is MUD — Memorial University of Dannystan — not only do they not want you to know the results of the MUD Alumni elections for Board of Regents, the don't even want you to know the names of the candidates. The offending information has been ruthlessly deleted from their website.

So here, for posterity, since MUD has not only adopted Master's attitude towards open election reporting, but towards historically-imporant materials as well, is half of the data that MUD, "in the interest of transparency and accountability", won't publish.

Candidates for Alumni Representative, MUN Board of Regents, 2008-2011 term
(Successful candidates' names highlighted)

Walwin Blackmore, BAE’66, BA’69
Aubrey L. Bonnell, BA’66
*Julie Browne, B.Eng.’08
Ruth Canning, BA’66
Brian Collins, BBA’06
David Crosbie, B.Comm.’80
Tammy Davis, BA’95
Chris R. Decker, BA’66
John Frecker, BA’70
Deanne Fleet, BA’80
*Rex Gibbons, BAE’ 67, B.Sc.’67, M.Sc.'69
*Jennifer (Davis) Guy, BA’84
Christopher Hammond, B.Sc.’94
*John J. Hogan, B.Sc.’00
Derrick Hutchens, B.Comm.’78
Michael Keating, B.Comm.(Co-op)’08
Edward Kelly, BA’69, B.Ed.’69, M.Ed.’74
Frank Kelly, B.Comm. (Hons)’ 68
Robert J. Kelsey, B.Ed.’79, B.Sc.’79, M.Ed.’87
*Ken Marshall B.Comm. (Hons.)(Co-op) '84
Jim Mason, MBA’91
Terry McDonald, BA’05
Bessie Merrigan, BAE’86, BA.’94, M.Ed.’01
Susan Murray, B.Ed.’90, M.Ed.’02
Ann P. J. Murrin, B.Comm.(Hons.)(Co-op)’01, BA’01, MA’03
Katherine Piercey, BA’05, MA’08
Danny Pond, B.Sc. (Hons.)’05
David Power, B.Sc.’81, B.Ed.’81
Louis Puddister, B.Comm.’83
Holly Rideout, Cert. Bus.'07
Robert Simms, B.Sc.’74, B.Ed.’74, M.Ed.’86
Verna M. Skanes, B.Sc.’63, B.A.(Ed.)’69, Ph.D. Med.’83
Richard Sparkes, B.Sc.’72
*Eleanor Swanson, M.Ed.’77
Paul Thomey, BA’73
Albert Trask, BA(Ed.)'75, M.Ed.’79
Sherina Wall, B.Comm. (Co-op)’91
Auburn Warren, B.Comm. (Hons.)(Co-op) ’96
Craig Welsh, BA’94
(Deanne Fleet was an incumbent member who resigned after the opening of nominations but before the close of voting.)


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