
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Eager beaver

From the Ministry of Truth:
Work on TLH Continues
January 2, 2009

The Minister of Transportation and Works says the continuation of the Trans Labrador Highway is high on his agenda for the New Year. Trevor Taylor says they ran into some challenges last season in efforts to widen and surface the section from Happy Valley Goose Bay to Lab West. Taylor says they plan to continue with the time line laid out a few years ago and will aim to complete Phase 3 between southern Labrador and Happy Valley Goose. Taylor says he's also eager to see what plans the federal government may have for infrastructure investment in the coming month.
Why would a government that professes it "will harness the desire among Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to cultivate greater cultural, financial and moral autonomy vis-à-vis Ottawa" care one jot about the federal government's plans for "investment" in anything?

Almost-instantly-updated to add: "plan[ning] to continue with the time line" and "aim[ing] to complete Phase 3" are not the same thing as actually completing Phase 3, now are they?

And is Phase 3 — or any other Phase — now considered "complete" when it is built to a narrower width than "hard surfacing" [not "cheap seal", surely? - ed.] would require, let alone without that "hard surfacing"? "Complete"? Really?



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