
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Speaking of...

... hydro-electric projects, access to information, the memory hole, and Greg Malone. This is from a Ryan Cleary cover story in the October 26, 2000 edition of the Telegram.

Whatever became of that nice Mr. Cleary?

For that matter, whatever became of that nice Mr. Malone?
Freedom train off track:
Newfoundland's access to information law is not living up to its name


In another request, The Telegram asked for a copy of the Guaranteed Winter Availability contract and Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corp. Shareholders' Agreement signed by the Newfoundland government and Hydro-Quebec on June 18, 1999.

In denying the request, Energy Minister Paul Dicks said both agreements contain commercially confidential information that would hurt ongoing negotiations with Hydro-Quebec.

He added that Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, although a Crown corporation, isn't subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Hydro did fall under the act until 1995 when, during intense public debate over whether to privatize the corporation, the province removed it.

"There should be total transparency there. Years of silence can only be covering up unpleasant truths," says Greg Malone, one of the leaders in the fight against Hydro privatization.

He believes the province has signed away management rights to the Lower Churchill River, and he won't believe otherwise until he sees the documentation.

"What are we hiding, glowing reports? Successes? Good deals? Is that what we're hiding? What we're hiding is a second debacle, a second sellout, the final sellout."

Malone says Newfoundland has been stung so many times by private deals it should be illegal to make one here.

"Any deal that's secret is secret for a reason; it's not because it's in the best interest of the people of Newfoundland."

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