
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Promise kept

On December 7, 2005, the House of Assembly considered an opposition motion on the Lower Churchill; a motion which, among other things, threw the Premier’s own 2003 election rhetoric back at him by moving that “Labradorians must be the primary beneficiaries of any development of the hydro resource on the Lower Churchill River.”

During the course of debate on this motion, Lake Melville MHA John Hickey, at the time the only PC member in Labrador, clewed up his remarks as follows:
And the last thing I will say, Mr. Speaker, we will not put everybody into the Aurora Hotel in a board room at the eleventh hour, fifty-ninth minute, when everything is all signed, sealed and delivered and try to shove it down Labradorians’ throats! I can tell you that, Mr. Speaker.
And they didn’t.

They didn’t put everybody into the Aurora Hotel in a board room at the eleventh hour, fifty-ninth minute, when everything is all signed, sealed and delivered and try to shove it down Labradorians’ throats.

They did it at Hotel North B instead.



At 4:46 AM, November 28, 2010 , Blogger Brian said...

Same place different name different owner. I would have gone for the hotel north B with their great sea food buffet.
Good catch though, then again the sea must be full to the bream of mullets that the member of Lake Melville has made over the years.
Like the cod pre Caboto where you could literally walk on the fish.

At 9:57 AM, November 28, 2010 , Blogger Brian said...

That should read Hotel North A


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