
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Arrogance and disrespect

This was the Progressive Conservative Party, a decade ago, about a resource megaproject in Labrador being undertaken by private capital:
MR. WILLIAMS: My questions today are for the Premier. Yesterday, in response to a question to the Premier on whether debate would be held in this House of Assembly before a deal was finalized on Voisey's Bay, the Premier shocked some of the Members of this House of Assembly and indeed the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. He made a statement, and I will repeat it, "If we have a debate in this Legislature, and if the government has already commited to the deal, which has twenty-eight seats, and if we bring it in here and vote for it, regardless of how the Opposition votes, it will pass in this Legislature. That is the practicality of how this Legislature operates."

That was the Premier's quote. In other words, why bother to bring it in here? Why have hon. members opposite talk about it or debate it? Why bring it before this House?

I would ask the Premier: Does twelve years in power breed the arrogance and disrespect that you now show no respect for this House, for the members of this House, and indeed the people of Newfoundland and Labrador?
This is the Progressive Conservative Party, today, about a resource megaproject in Labrador being undertaken by at least $6.2-billion in public money, if you assume, for the sake of argument, that the cost estimates are credible:
“We’re going to have the Manitoba Hydro report at the end of this month, and that is the critical component of the PUB review. You’ve heard all of the discussion that has come from opposition parties about opening of the House and having an opportunity to discuss issues,” Dunderdale said.

She said the Opposition Liberals and the NDP can use their allotted budget debate time to talk about Muskrat Falls and the PUB report.

“Because the budget is a money bill, you can discuss anything under the sun,” Dunderdale said.



At 10:34 AM, January 12, 2012 , Blogger rod said...

What happens if Manitoba Hydro says it's a dumb plan? Not likely says I.
Hydro companies love hydro developments. It's what they do.
The government is putting all its eggs in the Manitoba Hydro basket, and will ignore the PUB.


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