
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, August 07, 2006

That was still then, this is still now

Once upon a time there was a party called the PC Party. Its shrills and its shills raised holy hell every time their Liberal opponents, then in power, did something that attracted a lawsuit.

It was no way to run a government, the PCs would holler. First Ed, then Danny, made great hay out of every statement of claim. They kept a running total of all the amounts the provincial Liberals had the taxpayer on the hook for. At one point, they alleged it was $30-million.


Shock and appall ensued.

Now that Danny Williams, the Great Lawyer, has led the province straight into what everyone with two clues to rub together could have told him would be the losing end of — you guessed it — an embarassing lawsuit, what happens next?

Will there be shock and appall all over the State Broadcaster and its three daily call-in shows?

What will the province's taxpayer be on the hook for in the form of Max Ruelokke's costs?

Will Danny Williams, Great Lawyer, call for his own resignation?


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