
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Curses, tagged again

1) I assiduously avoid the use of “I” and “me” around these parts, preferring to write in the “editorial mode”, so this feels kinda weird.

2) The last time I did a book census, I had over 3,000, not including my retail stock. That was years ago. I’m overdue for another one. The tally will scare even me.

3) I have never yet been to Saskatchewan, B.C., 45 of 50 states, or, well, anywhere off the North American continent.

4) I have always lived in places small enough to walk everywhere or big enough to walk everywhere, thus, no license.

5) I think the new theme music for Crosstalk sounds like what CBC usually cuts away to when they are having network tech.problems, and I expect a mellifluous recorded voice to cut in and advise me to please stand by. I want Kraftwerk back. Please?

6) I am not on Facebox, or Faceborg, or whatever that thing is.

7) Sometimes even I can’t read my own scrawl.

8) I try not to go shoeless as much as is possible, tasteful, or decent.

Since eight – eight?!? – tagees is a pyramid scheme, and not a “tagging” exercise, this branch won’t fork. That, and, well, Watton tagged everyone I would have, anyway, the S.N.F.


At 12:12 AM, July 08, 2007 , Blogger stephen said...

3) I have never yet been to Saskatchewan, B.C., 45 of 50 states, or, well, anywhere off the North American continent.

Is this the reason why you're hopelessly convinced that Canada is some sort of flawless wonderland? You've been over exposed to Canada-is-perfect brainwashing without relent. Maybe you wouldn't be so crooked if you took a trip to somewhere that Air Canada doesn't service.


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