
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, March 07, 2008

No mercy

So far this month, up until yesterday, there had been three sycophantic "Williams Government" press releases, all three of them issued by Joan Burke.

She has already taken Sycophant of the Month for six consecutive months running, and the annual prize for 2007. With three unanswered W.G.s to her credit for March, the ref was almost set to invoke the Mercy Rule for the month, and give her the month before her cabinet colleagues embarrassed themselves.

But Dianne Whalen, Minister of Roads Money Announcements, puts one on the board.

Given her predecessor's penchant for W.G. sycophancy — maybe it comes with the departmental office? — you can expect to see a lot more of Minister Whalen in this column.

So, while the easily-offended Minister Burke still has a solid 3-1 lead for the month of March, there will be no mercy. At least not this time.


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