
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

He doth protest too much

From another of Tara Brautigam's reports for CP, one of the few outlets that is yet exposing, if only incidentally, the increasing madness of King George:

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams says a former public servant made "offensive and stupid" remarks when he told a public inquiry that radio call-in shows influenced the government's handling of an emerging scandal involving flawed breast-cancer testing.


"I can tell you categorically, unequivocally, that John Abbott is completely wrong if he's implying that government decisions are made on the basis of open-line shows," Williams said in an interview.

"I find that offensive and stupid, quite frankly."
How can you tell Danny was lying in this case?

First, his lips were moving.

Second, he ended a statement with "quite frankly".

Third, and surely someone will dredge up the tragicomic transcript, Premier Danny Williams once rushed out of a meeting of his cabinet in order to get on the air before the end of one of the VOCM call-in shows and rebut something some negative person had just said about him.


At 11:58 PM, May 11, 2008 , Blogger Mark said...

No - You got it wrong. It's not a lie until you hear the words "nothing could be further form the truth..."

At 7:42 AM, May 12, 2008 , Blogger Anthony Roy said...

Absolutely, Mark.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Quite frankly.

On a go forward basis.

And Danny has never interrupted a meeting to go on Open Line.


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