
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Danny Williams-Government, 2003:

The Transparency and Accountability Act will greatly enhance openness and accountability in government, but a comprehensive and effective Freedom of Information Act is the best safeguard against the tendency of governments to descend into official secrecy and elitism.

A Progressive Conservative government will:

  • Proclaim new Freedom of Information legislation which will include amendments that will clearly identify information that should be in the public domain, including cabinet documents, and will require full and prompt disclosure of the information to the public.
Danny Williams-Government, 2008:
MR. KENNEDY: We have a government to run, Mr. Speaker. The Supreme Court of Canada, in a number of different decisions over the years, and other courts, have recognized the importance of Cabinet privilege, Cabinet secrecy. It is one of the principles upon which our system works. Deliberations have to be able to take place in an environment that allows for us to make the decisions needed without making them public.

So, personally, although some of my - I am not saying that the Access to Information Act needs to be changed, but I would suggest that section 18 of the Access to Information Act is too vague. "The head of a public body shall refuse to disclose to an applicant information that would reveal the substance of deliberations of Cabinet, including advice, recommendations, policy considerations or draft legislation or regulations…".



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