
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Nation to nation

Just in case you were angling for a foreign ambassador's gig:

Throne Speech 2009, March 25:
To lower tariff barriers to our exports while safeguarding our fish stocks and securing markets for our seal products, we will speak up on our own behalf on the international stage and work to effect progressive agreements that take our best interests fully into account.
Our Idea of Speaking On Our Own Behalf On The International Stage, April 8:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all Members of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly support the Newfoundland and Labrador sealing industry;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this House of Assembly urge the Government of Canada to call upon the European Union to respect the G-20 Declaration not to impose any new trade barriers during these times of global economic instability;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this House of Assembly urge the Government of Canada to initiate negotiations with the Government of the United States of America calling for an amendment to the Marine Mammal Protection Act to permit trade in seal products from seal populations that are environmentally sustainable and managed according to international standards for conservation and animal welfare;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this House of Assembly urge the Government of Canada to call upon the European Union not to proceed with its proposal to ban seal imports, as such a trade restriction would be contrary to international trade rules and would do nothing to encourage either sustainable use or humane sealing practices.


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