
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Teach your children well

Even highly-educated teachers have taken leave of their senses, caught up in the euphoria to the point of indulging in propaganda. My son brought home a high school assignment, from his NL Studies class, that made the following dubious claim:

“During his time as the leader of our great province Mr. Williams has brought prosperity and hope back to our island.”

This teacher needs a crash course in both history and geography. First, the province is more than an island. Second, the premier did not deliver all this prosperity – despite attempts to take credit for same, in his boastful farewell speech.
Speaking of Liam. He just informed me that his class is writing a farewell letter to Danny William's thanking him for his contribution to the province while Premier. Liam though it was strange that his class was thanking Danny Williams for leaving. I chucked, thinking of a few people who might be able to draft that one. I had to explain to him that the letter was thanking him for a job well done and that he is retiring. Kids say the darnedest things.

I wonder how many school children from Nain to Cape Ray are writing letters to Danny? I also wonder how many school children did that when Clyde Wells and Brian Peckford resigned?



At 8:18 AM, December 08, 2010 , Blogger Unknown said...

"Liam thought it was strange that his class was thanking Danny Williams for leaving".

Apparently Wally , you have taught your children well .

At 10:16 AM, December 08, 2010 , Blogger Mark said...

It's an entirely appropriate reaction. Afterall, Danny Williams is part of their curriculum.

At 11:39 AM, December 08, 2010 , Blogger Unknown said...

Young minds are far too "IMPRESSIONABLE", to be tampered with ....

At 4:36 PM, December 09, 2010 , Blogger Wm. Murphy said...

speaking of teaching peopel well....

I wonder how influenced people will be concerning your boss's BIG survey?
For those that read your posts, they certainly know where you stand on the issue.
But then agian people will make up there own minds when filling out the BIG survey.
afterall, you have been on record that people shouldn't be influenced by other people...they should just make up their own mind on things.

ya right?

Good luck with the BIG survey as you tally up Todd's speaking notes

At 4:50 PM, December 09, 2010 , Blogger WJM said...

you have been on record that people shouldn't be influenced by other people


On record where?

At 4:57 PM, December 09, 2010 , Blogger Wm. Murphy said... never mentioned that people should not be influenced by the likes of people/leaders like Danny Williams?...they should make up there own minds

Oops, must be my mistake. Sorry, I thought for sure that this was your view. My bad!!

At 5:08 PM, December 09, 2010 , Blogger WJM said...

you never mentioned that people should not be influenced by the likes of people/leaders like Danny Williams?

Not that I can recall. You have any evidence to the contrary?

...they should make up there own minds

Well, they should. But everyone, even Danny Williams, has the democratic right to try, through peacable and honest means, to convince others of the merits of their point of view.

At 4:16 PM, December 10, 2010 , Blogger Wm. Murphy said...

okay everyone...let's count the number of times the name "Williams" appears on this blog on a go forward basis

on your mark, get set....

At 12:21 AM, December 21, 2010 , Blogger Fuzzy Logic said...

I am saddened that the Glorious Leader, Eternal Premier of Newfoundland, Danny Williams has left politics.

At 12:40 PM, December 21, 2010 , Blogger WJM said...

Meh. Couldn'tabeen that eternal.


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