Tracey Perry,
December 10, 2008:
MS PERRY: With a net debt forecast of $9.2 billion by March of 2009, during a global economic recession, we have done an outstanding job governing this great Province. Ten short years ago our net debt to GDP ratio was 70.2 per cent. With Progressive Conservative leadership, governance and policies, this will soon be down to 27.5 per cent. Outstanding indeed!
Although we will not fully escape the global downturn, we are moving ahead. Again, using the Coast of Bays as an example, let's take a look at aquaculture. The fish are already in the water swimming. By the time they are harvested, the global recession - we should be coming out of it. We are anticipating the announcement of new developments and investments in the near future, so great things are happening in my rural, remote district.
Our policies will provide economic stimulus through investing in information technology, innovation, research and development, aquaculture, and business attraction. However, we must all realize it is imperative for government to continue to be prudent and responsible with the public purse. While there is significant good news, we do recognize that all is not rosy.
Now back to today's motion seeking a summit. Mr. Speaker, this government will act on interventions as they become necessary, and it will be in consultation with the greatest economic minds and expertise in the Province, the country, and within the G-20 nations. At this juncture we do not need to waste time, money and resources organizing a one-day blitz when the door is always open for input from the public at any time. We have many venues to consult, including the business caucus, economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and the list goes on. We all have e-mail, too, and anyone with innovative ideas or advice is welcome to send it to us at any time, on any issue. Should our situation drastically worsen, perhaps this issue can be revisited, but for now staying the course is yielding the best results any jurisdiction can expect in a global recession. I would also challenge that an invited guest list to a summit is not as inclusive as the methods now in place.
Mr. Speaker, there is no one I would rather have as the captain of my ship than our hon. Premier, Danny Williams.