
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Labrador is an integral part of the province

Danny Williams says so.

Tonight, we learn on VOCM Nightline from his Labrador Affairs Minister, that Danny Williams Administration, the government that treats Labrador as an integral part of the province, is looking for federal funding to build the new regional airport in Port Hope Simpson. Which is interesting, and not only because, according to the much-ballyhooed Northern Strategic Plan for Labrador, the provincial government has yet to finalize the location for that airport.

It's interesting as well because it's yet another demonstration of just how integral Labrador is in Danny Williams' NewfoundlandLabrador.

Mealy Mountain Auditorium? "Our government is endeavouring to work collaboratively with the Government of Canada to identify ways for the federal government to bear the majority of the costs of an auditorium project. "

Trans-Labrador Highway? "The Provincial Government eventually plans to hard-surface the entire Trans Labrador Highway from Labrador City-Wabush to Happy Valley-Goose Bay and expects the federal government to cost-share the $100 million, five-year project."

Fibre-optic cable in Labrador? "The government may seek financial assistance from Ottawa to help pay for a fibre optic link to Labrador."

Even a transmission line to extricate Our Dear Hydro from its geographical prison in Labrador? "seek Federal Government financial assistance in the context of Green House Gas (GHG) emission reduction initiatives"

Labrador is an integral part of the province.

Danny Williams says so.

Danny is willing to anything and everything for Labrador... as long as the Government of Canada pays for it.


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