
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Politics 102

Worse things could happen than for the entire PoliSci department at MUN to resign, en masse, to go teach basket-weaving in Upper Chapati, to be replaced by "Richard from NL".

With his insight into Dannystan politics — seriously, this isn't sarcastic — this guy is worth many times his weight in Temelinis. He's, like, a kilolini, maybe even a hectolini.

Quoth Richard from NL:
Laws and regulations come into being through proper legislative authority, but it is hard for the public to question that authority when the House doesn't sit and when those who question the government of the day are branded as traitors.

We have government by talk radio, run by an unaccountable megalomaniac, surrounded by a supporting cast of puppets who wouldn't know a policy discussion from a Beavis and Butthead episode. If you question the government you must be short on pride, or an outsider.

Actually, the supporting cast of puppets wouldn't look out of place as a Beavis and Butthead episode, would they? And again today:

When's anybody gonna ask when the current Premier will follow the Green Report with respect to his own charitable giving? When? Anyone got the guts? How about asking why govt departments have no budget for advertising in November December, but spent millions and millions (conveniently enough) in the weeks leading up to the fixed election?

Maybe when the House gets back. Sometime next year. Maybe then. Or maybe not.

But in the meantime, let's just keep writing about wine and art. That'll get the locals focused on the past rather than questioning the present. And afterall, isn't that what newfoundland politics has always been about? If everyone's mad enough about the past, they'll pay no attention to what's happening in the present.


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