
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Majority rules

Greg Locke makes an observation:

Most of the world’s countries that believe in participatory democracy have provisions for run-off elections to break ties or when there is no definitive majority.

[Emphasis added.]

It is very true that a good chunk of the world's democracies do have electoral laws which provide for run-offs (or the related mechanism of preferential ballot) when a candidate fails to secure a majority of at least 50% plus one vote. Think, for example, of the preferential system used to elect the House of Representatives in Australia, or the run-off elections held in France and other European countries.

Mr. Locke is, however, invited to post, as a comment, some of the many examples which make up his "most" countries — that would be a majority — those democratic countries which also use run-off elections not just to satisfy majoritarian urges, but also to break the rare electoral tie.


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