
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Not in a buying mood

The Minister of Everything tells the Ministry of Truth (Provincial) that the Danny Williams-Government, whose former Minister of Health once made “final” decisions, is now willing to talk to the people of the Flowers Cove area. And he issues an interesting pre-emptive denial:
We’re going to get together with them, and they’re going to tell us what they need in a building, and if they can come back with savings, then we will look at what they are proposing. However, we also made it clear to them, we’re not going to make this decision now in the by-election and try to buy a by-election.
He repeats the denial to the Ministry of Truth (Federal):

The premier told people in the area that we are willing to work with you. We’re not trying to buy the byelection.
Not buying a by-election? Well, that’s a refreshing change.



At 7:34 PM, October 08, 2009 , Blogger Edward Hollett said...

But why do people have to decide to cut a capital cost to fund an annual operating cost?

Did that happen in Corner Brook recently?

And where exactly is the recommendation from Labrador grenfell to chop lab and x-ray in Flower's Cove in the first place?


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