
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

We intend to have that position re-Sealed

MR. KELVIN PARSONS: Mr. Speaker, it has been reported by The Telegram on a recent visit to Ottawa that newspapers were piling up by the door and there was no presence at this office. Meanwhile, there is $378,000 budgeted for this office this year, including a support worker making $54,000 a year.

I ask the Premier: What is the current status of the office? Is there anyone still on the payroll there, and if so, what are they doing when we do not have a representative in Ottawa?

PREMIER WILLIAMS: Mr. Speaker, we still have a presence on the ground in Ottawa, as the office is staff. We are maintaining that office because that office has been very useful for meetings. When ministers attend in Ottawa, they use it on a frequent basis.

I had conversations in Ottawa whereby people in Ottawa on the ground spoke extremely – very, very highly of Dr. Fitzgerald, who is referred to as Dr. Feelgood by the Opposition. I refer to him as Dr. Sealgood because of all the fantastic work he has done with regard to promoting the sealing industry in Ottawa.

So we intend to maintain that office. We intend to keep it there. We think it is very, very important that we have a connection. We think it is also very, very important that when ministers go to town that they have a place where they can operate out of. In fact, we will be looking in the very near future then to recruiting, to have that position refilled.


At 8:41 PM, April 29, 2010 , Blogger Mark said...

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