
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Transparency — la transparence

Some comments on Radio-Canada's coverage of the Quarterly Outburst would suggest that, even from a distance, across a boundary, and over a political and linguistic divide, there are now almost as many people in Quebec who can see through Danny Williams as there are in Dannystan itself:
Envoyé par Homoquébecus
12 août 2010 à 21 h 03 HAE
On vient de découvrir pire que Jean Charest : Danny Williams.

Envoyé par jesse_a_b
12 août 2010 à 19 h 38 HAE
Rien de nouveau sous le soleil, Williams crache sa haine pour le Québec et s'invente des ennemis imaginaires, méthode électorale de base...

Envoyé par Chasse-Galerie
12 août 2010 à 18 h 18 HAE
Ce dont on parle peu, c'est la gestion des dossiers par l'administration de Danny Williams.
-L'expropriation unilatérale d'Abitibi-Bowater risque de couter des centaines de millions aux contribuables de Terre-Neuve.
-Nalcor, le "hydro-Québec" Terre-Neuvien ne peut garantir la viabilité économique et même la faisabilité d'une ligne sous-marine entre Terre-Neuve et la Nouvelle Écosse.
-Nalcor est incapable de s'entendre avec Hydro-Québec tellement le dossier est contrôlé par la politique hostile de Danny Williams.

Alors, que fait Danny Williams pour voiler son incompétence? Du Québec bashing, recette rentable au Canada.

Envoyé par Mario Goyette
12 août 2010 à 17 h 53 HAE
Danny Williams a prétexté un mal de dos pour ne pas assister à la rencontre du Conseil de la confédération à Winipeg la semaine dernière. Il n'y a pas de doute, lei séparatiste, c'est lui!

Envoyé par benoren
12 août 2010 à 16 h 41 HAE
À quand les élections à Terre-neuve/Labrador? Un peu de changement ne ferait de tort à personne. Il est là depuis 2003 et depuis c'est la chicane perpétuelle! Je ne sais pas si les citoyens de cette province se rendre compte que l'attitude de leur premier ministre avec le reste du Canada et surtout le Québec n'est pas payant pour eux???

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At 12:59 PM, August 13, 2010 , Blogger Geoff Meeker said...

I can kinda-sorta understand this, but an English translation would be ice!

At 6:25 PM, August 13, 2010 , Blogger Mark said...


Comment 1 - "I guess we've discovered worse than Jean Charest: Danny Williams"

Comment 2 - "Nothing new under the sun, Williams displays his hatred for Quebec by inventing imaginary enemies, the lowest political strategy..."

Comment 3 - "One thing we don't discuss much is the Danny Williams adminsitration - its unilateral expropriation from Abitibi Bowater will cost NL taxpayers hundreds of millions, Nalcor cannot assure economic viability or even the feasibility of an under water line to Nova Scotia, Nalcor is incapable of dealing with Hydro Quebec as long as the file is controlled by Danny Williams' policy of hostility - and so what does Danny Williams do to make up for his icompetence? Quebec bashing, a effective recipe in Canada"

Comment 4 - "Danny Williams used a pretext of a bad back to skip the Council of the Federation in Winnipeg last week, no doubt he's the separatist!"

Comment 5 - "When are the elections in NL? A bit of change wouldn't hurt anyone. He is there since 2003and since then it's perpetual bullshit! Have the citizens of that province figured out that the attitude of their premier toward the rest of Canada and espexially Quebec isn't paying off for them?"

At 6:26 PM, August 13, 2010 , Blogger Mark said...

Note re comment 3:

"recipe" was perhaps too literal a translation -

"an effective plan"

At 6:31 PM, August 13, 2010 , Blogger WJM said...


There have been a few choice additions since then:

Posted by Kiwwi57
13 August 2010 at 06 h 51 EDT
When he objected to the Quebec-New Brunswick project, it was good. Now that Quebec opposes his project, it’s interference! Some day he ought to learn that when you spit in the air, the end result is always that it falls back on your nose!

Posted by tashunka47
13 August 2010 at 11 h 29 EDT
For those who say Quebec has no right to get involved in this, they should also have said the same about Danny Williams when he personally intervened to wreck the purchase agreement between Hydro-Quebec and “Énergie Nouveau-Brunswick”, not so long ago.
It’s good when it’s for Newfoundland, but not for Quebec.

Posted by ubiquité
13 August 2010 at 15 h 10 EDT
Newfoundland denounces interference by Quebec… Quebec denounces interference by Newfoundland…

Not really a constructive dialogue (or monologue) in my opinion.


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