My goodness, but
Telegram James has opened up an interesting can of stewed worms.
Last week, Telegramreported on the slowth in the government’s fulfillment of one particular 2011
PC “Blue Book” promise commitment concerning student loans.
“You use the word
‘promise.’ I’m not sure the Blue Book can be described as a promise,” he said.
“It’s a blueprint or a platform as opposed to an absolute promise.”
Well, that got the
commentariat, the twitterati, and the VOCM crowd going. By Thursday morning,
Kennedy had taken to the airwaves to whine that his words had been taken out of context, and that people should read the full transcript.
Later in the day,
Kennedy’s totally non-partisan communications shop issued an epic, if obviously rushed press release, weighing in at over 5,000 words, the vast majority of
which were cribbed, verbatim, from the 30,000-word 2011 PC Party Blue Book. The
release professes to outline the 228 of 534 Blue Book promises commitments
which have already been acted on.
The whole episode has
provided the politics-watching public with the entertaining spectacle of seeing
a minister douse himself and his government in isopropyl alcohol, put a lit
match to it, then try and put out the ensuing flames with more ispropyl
It’s a liquid, right?
Moreover, it has
offered as good an excuse as any to go back over the 2011 Blue Book, a document
which, with the benefit of hindsight and closer scrutiny, is much thinner than
its 30,000 words and 80 pages might otherwise imply.
Take, for example, the
promise commitment which the press release claims to have been acted on:
We will move forward
to build upon the achievements to date of the Northern Strategic Plan for
Labrador, mapping others on the horizon, building on the initiatives already
taken, consulting on emerging needs and adjusting our work according to
evolving circumstances.
At best, this means
“we will continue to make things up as we go along, and re-package them as part
of a ‘Northern Strategic Plan’, whatever that is.”
At least – and it’s
closer to the least end of the spectrum – it means nothing.
There are the promises
commitments along this line:
We will maintain the
fleet of new waterbombers the province recently purchased to better protect us
from forest fires.
Well, that’s a relief.
The government will actually maintain the waterbombers, and not, dunno, use
them for target practice like all those other parties proposed doing in their
platforms. One notorious traitor summarized this class of promise commitment as
"we will turn the lights on. We will heat buildings and answer the
There are others which
are especially vague:
We will ensure our
legislation, regulations and permitting process for mineral exploration, mine
development and quarry development are modern, balanced and reflective of the
needs of the industry and the province.
How on earth would
anyone know, objectively, whether or not this promise commitment had or had not
been kept? Similarly:
We will pursue every opportunity
to see Labrador recognized nationally and internationally as a Gateway to the North
and positioned to take a lead role in providing goods, services and a base of expertise
for all other regions of Canada’s North.
“Recognized” by whom?
What is the practical consequence of such “recognition”?
Numerous other
promises commitments are laden with the type of bureaucratic-bingo buzzwords –
“advanced”, “examine”, “best practices”, “broad spectrum”, “consider
strategies”, “bring forward”, “facilitate” – which draw a body to the
almost-inevitable conclusion that bureaucrats themselves were engaged in
drafting this 80-page partisal document full of promises commitments.
Finally, there’s at
least one intriguing case of a promise commitment actually kept, yet not
highlighted in the press release for some reason:
We recently received
the recommendations of the 2011 statutory review of the Access to Information and Protection
of Privacy Act. We will introduce
reforms to the legislation.
We will continue to protect personal information, commercially sensitive information and cabinet documents.
This, of course, is
the promise commitment which begat Bill 29, which begat the Conservative
government’s accelerated collapse in popular support.
It would be a fun
exercise, then, to cross-reference the 5,000-word totally-non-partisan press
release cribbed from the governing party’s 2011 election platform, with the
30,000-word election platform itself.
The promises
commitments highlighted in the press release are emphasized in this version of
the 2011 PC platform in blue with double-underlining. Where a promise
commitment was truncated for the purpose of brevity in the release, the entire
text of the promise has been highlighted here. Note, however, there are cases
where the press release version of the promise commitment includes a
conspicuous ellipsis, such as here:
As we announced on July 6, 2011, we are launching a suite of
initiatives to reduce the number of moose-vehicle collisions on Newfoundland
and Labrador roadways. These initiatives include a wildlife fencing pilot
project, a wildlife detection system pilot project, a Collision Data Management
System (which will record the precise
locations of all collisions, including those involving moose), an increased number of moose hunting licences, additional brush clearing, vegetation control and measures
to improve driver awareness. We will explore options to enable people receiving moose hunting licences to designate surrogates to
hunt a moose for them. We will work with the province’s outfitters on ways to
provide more moose-hunting opportunities for non- resident hunters.
Or here:
We will
review the tax regime – the Revenue Administration Act, the Mineral
Act and the Mineral
Holdings Impost Act – to ensure it strikes the
right balance between providing appropriate revenue to the province while
remaining competitive in the global mining industry.
In those cases, the
words or phrases glossed over in the press release have not been highlighted as
a promise commitment kept. Presumably, the totally non-partisan communications
staff at Finance glossed them over for a substantive reason.
Note that the
conversion of file formats from the source PDF to an editable version, and back
to PDF, has resulted in some format wonkiness which is not present in the
original document. Graphics quality has been deliberately degraded.
If you spot any errors or omissions in the comparison of the
press release and the platform, feel free to report it in the comments section.