
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Maîtres chez eux

Williams Goverment is going to "go it alone" on the Trans-Labador Highway.

Oh yes He are!

In fact, William Government already did so! We — he — alrady bin done went it alone!

Of course, just like the so-called Lower Churchill, just like anything, really, tha has anything to do with Labrador, it's a lot easier to "Go It Alone", when someone else gives you the money to Go It Alone with.

Like, say, the federal government.

So try this on: according to the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety, the Trans-Labrador Highway stretches 1163km from the Quebec-Labrador border in the west, across Labrador, including along a segment that is still not built, and down the south coast and along the Straits, and back across the border into Quebec, as far as the Blanc-Sablon ferry terminal. About 5km of the Trans-Labrador Highway is, per this definition, in Quebec.

And that's why the province that is a Nation within Canada, the proud nationalists who seek to be masters in their own house, the ones who seek to be autonomous, are not just building highways in their own province, they are extending their reach across the Quebec-Labrador border and building highways in the other province.

Oh — no, not this proud-nationalist-autonomy-seeking-province-nation.

The other one.

Le Ministère des Transports du Québec is the proponent in an environmental assessment document submitted to Quebec's Bureau d'audiences publiques surl'environnement in respect of the long-overdue project to re-align and re-slope the treacherous Black Rocks segment of Route 138. The anticipated works would involve about 1.5 kilometres of Route 138 from the border west to the outskirts of the built-up part of Blanc Sablon... as well as about 400 metres of highway east of the border, within Labrador.

For goodness sake, don't anyone tell John Ottenheimer.

Curious, that the province that is a Nation within Canada, the proud nationalists who seek to be masters in their own house, the ones who seek to be autonomous, is not only willing to rely on the federal government to fund highway construction in Labrador, they are also willing to rely on that other province that is a Nation within Canada, the proud nationalists who seek to be masters in their own house, the ones who seek to be autonomous.

Step by step, with other people's money, we are going it alone and becoming masters in our own house!

Curiouser still, that a project that includes the rebuilding half a kilometre of highway in Labrador would be registered for environmental assessment in Quebec, but not in the Province Of Which Labrador Is An Integral Part.


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