
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Memo to file

The next time Himself whines — say, in His impending year-end interviews — about the long days and the many files to juggle, and tries to guilt-trip you with the canard about how He doesn't get paid, remember this. From the Ministry of Truth (Provincial) this morning:
House of Assembly Resumes Tomorrow

Members head back to the House of Assembly tomorrow, but
the Premier says there will be a light legislative agenda. It's a late start to the fall session, following a pair of by elections in the province and a visit from the British Royals. Danny Williams has already changed a few faces around the cabinet table, including moving Clyde Jackman to the fisheries portfolio. Williams says the fishery and a number of rural issues will be the focus of his government over the coming months, but he says this sitting will be rather routine.

It has become rather routine for the legislature's sittings, the legislature's ever-rarer sittings, to be about nothing.



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