
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Geoff Meeker has an awesome brain fart:
Azzo Rezori’s piece included a map, showing all 19 communities that received fire trucks in the last 90 days. I would like to see this information overlaid on a map of the province’s electoral districts, to see how the pork is being distributed. It’s all conjecture, but it’s fun to look at the data.

Also, it would take just an hour or two to wade back through the last four years of government news releases, to see if there are similar orgies of announcements at this – or any – time of the year. If spending until recently has been tight, that might indicate that government has been salting away these little gifts for months and possibly years (which, in turn, could raise questions about the propriety of holding back life saving equipment for reasons of political opportunism).

Back in 2007 and 2008, this corner put together a series of cleverly colour-coded graphs which quantified — using dollar figures from the Williams Provincial Dunderdale2011 Government's own press releases — the changing patterns of highways spending from district to district, and from year to year:
Nothing further from "nothing further from the truth"
Fortunate Bay
Road to the Isles (II)
By popular demand
Michael Temelini (I)
Playing politics
Starting in 2009, and in each year since, the Department of Transportation and Works no longer puts dollar figures in its district-by-district highway press releases.

The Williams Provincial Dunderdale2011 Government is the most open and transparent government in the solar system.


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