
"We can't allow things that are inaccurate to stand." — The Word of Our Dan, February 19, 2008.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Demo/graphics (II)(d)

Here's the twenty-year longitudinal net outmigration estimates for central and southern Newfoundland, by census division. Again, remember this is net interprovincial outmigration from each division, factoring back in the number of people who have moved into, or back to, a census division in Newfoundland from somewhere else in Canada.

Not surprisingly, the Northeast coast took the brunt of the demographic impact of the cod moratorium in 1992. Note also that, after slowing down almost to the point of net in-migration by 2002, outmigration picked up speed across the board in almost every year since.

The only census division of these four to have had at least one year of net interprovincial in-migration since the mid-1980s was Central's very modest positive showing in 1990. It remains to be seen whether the recent provincial-scale net-inmigration has benefitted any of these regions in particular.

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